David Cruz: The Drunk Mexican Film Wedding Photographer Anchored in Los Angeles

Owner of Ten Chickens and Self-proclaimed Mezcal Connoisseur

Dixeebee (dee-shee-bay) exclamation, informal: proclaiming gratitude towards mother earth when expressing good wishes before drinking Mezcal

David Cruz Drunk Film Wedding Photographer

I'm David Cruz (The Drunk Wedding Photographer). I photograph weddings on analog 35mm film with Nikon film cameras and Nikkor 80s and 90s era lenses. I’m a fire rabbit Sagittarius, logician, proud owner of ten fluffy chickens, I hate the summer, I despise wearing shoes and I believe the best food is home cooked or from random street vendors in sketchy neighborhoods.

I was born Oaxaca, Mexico, a descendant of Mixtec Great-Grandparents and a self-proclaimed Mezcal and street taco connoisseur. In other words, just a polite way of saying I prefer to day drink often. Because drinking at night is weird, and I eat with my hands because eating utensils are also weird so you can imagine, I don’t do well in sit down restaurants or in fancy dinners. Now, despite being an average Mexicant in Southern California, I'm a certified L.A. local as much as the next guy is.

On account of doing all twelve years in the LAUSD, starting in Westlake MacArthur Park in the early 90s followed by South Central in the early 2000s. Throughout my 20s, I honed even more street cred by savoring the simple pleasure of street tacos on a shoestring budget of twenty dollars a week while anchored in East Los Angeles. I grew up watching Daria, Six Feet Under and Dead Like Me, which is probably why my favorite band is AFI. And I’ll shamelessly admit my guilty pleasure of indulging in rerun episodes of Kitchen Nightmares as I fall asleep and high-speed police chases on live TV — a captivating sport in the City of Angels.


¿Qué es Oaxaca?

Un día me preguntaron, "tú que hablas de muchas cosas, ¿qué es Oaxaca?" Le respondí, "no lo sé. Pero lo que sí sé, es que soy orgulloso de ver nacido en Oaxaca; llena de sabor, historia y tradición. Ser Oaxaqueño es la más grande delicia del mundo, ser Oaxaqueño es mostrar tu tierra y de dónde vienes."

Como Oaxaca no hay dos. Porque Oaxaca es cultura, comida, Mezcal y mi tierra. Oaxaca es mi identidad que corre dentro de mis venas. Pero lo más importante, Oaxaca es mi familia y mi hogar. Alguien dijo, "un día salí de Oaxaca, pero Oaxaca, nunca salió de mí." — 𝘶𝘯𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳

A Local’s Guide to Oaxaca